HosurOnline's Hosur Weather Station Data
Data sourced from Phyical Weather Station Installed at Anthivadi, Near Anthivadi Stadium, Hosur. HosurOnline's Weather Station, is the only real weather station located in Hosur.
At Hosur weather station, you will get real weather data of Hosur at real time.
HosurOnline's Weather station is located at 12.71488, 77.79809 | Elevation of 893.9 m or 2932.8 feet.
Updated Time: IST Time: 2025-01-26 10:43:00
Hosur Weather Analysis For Past 1 Hour
Pressure Trend: 0.1 hPa
Temperature Trend: 1.89 °C
Humidity Trend: -14 %
Average Wind Speed: 3.87 km/h
Average Dew Point: 6.85 °C
Weather Prediction For Next 1 Hour: Stable weather (conditions expected to remain the same).
Temperature: 25.8 °C
Feel Like: 25.8 °C
Dew Point: 3.7 °C
Wind Speed: 8.6 km/h
Wind Gust: 11.2 km/h
Wind Direction: W
Relative Pressure: 1,015.5 hPa
Absolute Pressure: 917.6 hPa
Daily Rain: 0 mm
UV Index: 6
Solar Radiation: 686.84 W/m2
Visibility: 10 Kilometers
Heat Index: 25.5 °C
Wind Chill: 27.5 °C
Humidity: 24%